The Bedroom Diaries

The Bedroom Diaries

Curl up with this collection of romances where fate, mistaken identities, and falling into the wrong bed lead to unforgettable love stories. From moonlit encounters never meant to happen to fiery passion ignited in the most unlikely situations, each story unfolds with a twist of destiny and desire.

Escape to lush, fun, and unexpected places where the thrill of discovery sets the action (no pun intended) in motion and our satisfying endings leave you believing in the power of love, fate, and a little bit of serendipity.

Whether it’s a second chance at the one who got away, strangers linked by a booking mishap, or old friends rekindling romance in unexpected places, the wrong bed becomes the right place for love to bloom.


A Midnight Scandal by Christina Alexandra

Parted by circumstance, an accidental midnight encounter leads to a second chance for a battle weary soldier and woman he thought gone forever. But is their love strong enough to withstand the scandal once morning comes?

The Bedroom Diaries includes stories by Leigh Adams, Christina Alexandra,  Christine Ashworth, Allegra Johnson, Nikki Prince, A.M. Roark


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