This Writer’s Life

What I've Been Up To

It's been a rough go lately. I bit off a little bit more than I could chew, and between taking additional classes for my degree and still working the Day Job, I had to drop out of the Love for Maui project.  It's not a decision I took lightly. Between the my workload & school schedule, and taking care of the…

A Creative Space

Hi! Welcome back. It's been a few months since I've shared anything here (there goes my goal of blogging more consistently 😑). But I have good reason for dropping the ball like it did. I decided to go back to school and get my degree. I have a few semesters left to go, so it's not a quick process. This…

August Anticipation

A few weeks ago I announced that I have a new story coming out this summer in an anthology.  This is a book of firsts for many reasons. Its the first story I've written since the pandemic, it's the first story I did not plot, it's my first participation for a charity anthology raising money for breast cancer research (a…

Refilling the Well

We all need time to refill our emotional and spiritual well, whether it's doing something creative, or getting touch with nature, volunteering, or meditation. This is an essential part of human-ness we need. Not only does it bring perspective in our relationships to the people and things around us, but it brings joy back into outlives.  I'm not much of…

I Did It Again

It's been a hot minute. I swear, I'm the worst when it comes to updating my website and blog.  But now I have a reason to do so...I have a new story coming out! It has been three years since I had anything published and in that time, I'd like to say that I worked on my craft, expanded my…