Doldrums and Desert Dreams

I’ve been in a bit of the doldrums lately.
After getting feedback from some contests I’ve entered, I realized I had a long way to go with my story.  Since then I’ve spent some time planning and researching, jotting down notes and dialogue, but somehow the last two months or so have seen very little in the way of productive word count.
In an effort to get myself back on track, I signed up for some online workshops last month.  Most of them were research related, but I also took a WONDERFUL workshop on plotting taught by Laurie Schnebly Campbell.  Also, this past weekend I attended a live workshop by the much sought after Michael Hague (hosted by my local RWA chapter).  Both these workshops were so full of great information and it really got me thinking.  It was as if I could see the various pieces of my story falling into place and how they would play out with my characters.
And now, this upcoming weekend I will be attending my second writer’s conference.  Desert Dreams Conference in Tempe, Arizona is going to be a weekend full of writers, craft and creativity.  I’m going to use the time to give myself a quick kick in the pants to get myself back on track and my story going where I want it to go.
I’ve been registered for the conference since December, so I planned ahead and booked myself a couple of extra days to get in the right frame of mind and go over all my notes while the information is still fresh in my mind.  I think that, combined with the creative atmosphere of the conference, is just what I need to get myself back on track and get this book written.
After all, Graeme and Delaney are counting on me to tell their story.