Sunday Snippet #52

Where her husband finds her…

Previously on Sunday Snippets: After fleeing her husband’s embrace, Delaney replayed the kiss in her mind.  Her first kiss. 


Her breath became uneven as she recalled the feel of Graeme: the searing brand of his hands as they pulled her close; the heat and hardness of his body pressed against her most intimate places; the rumble in his chest as he groaned against her mouth.
Not just his body – she could definitely feel his body – but also him.
The sneer on his face as he pushed her away was etched in her mind. Disgust.
The cool blue of his eyes as they hardened to chips of ice. Loathing.
The sound of voices grew fainter as the crowd thinned and Delaney heard the sharp click of boots on marble growing louder as they approached.  She recognised his distinctive steps and said a little prayer they would pass her by, but they didn’t. They stopped right in front of the alcove where she hid and Delaney forced her eyes open.
Graeme stood in front of her, the black of his evening finery and the dim lighting doing nothing to quell the sudden nervousness rolling around her belly.


Poor Delaney (though she would kill me for saying that!). Her first kiss and that is the impression her husband leaves her with. And now he’s come after her. All will end well. Hopefully. :)
This is my fifty-second Sunday Snippet. I have been giving you guys little bits and pieces of this story for an entire year! Sometimes it doesn’t seem like it’s very much, but that can’t be helped, what with each post being only eight to ten sentences in length.
The Elders are off visiting Dearest Sister for a month, which leaves me with three weeks of undisturbed writing time! Well, except for the pesky Day Job. Hopefully all changes will be made, critique edits completed and the story finally finished by the time they return. Then there’s nothing to do but perfect it for the GH entry!
As always, comments and suggestions are more than welcome. Be sure to visit WeWriWa and Snippet Sunday for more wonderful snippets by wonderful writers.
Happy reading and I’ll see you nex week!


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