Travel in the Time of Covid

Happy Tuesday and welcome to another edition of Romance Writers Weekly! This week we’re going on a virtual journey…

Since the pandemic has cancelled all of our travel plans, we now have to journey through old photos. Pick one photo from past travels and tell us about that day’s adventures. 

I love to travel. I love hopping on a plance and heading off to far away places. If they’re new-to-me places, it’s even better. I’m lucky enough that I can take time off the Day Job when I want and go places for a few days to a few weeks at a time. I’ve managed to go on at least one big trip every two years for the past ten years or so. But it’s only been recently that I’ve traveled internationally. 

The thing is I’m a solo traveler. While I doenjoy traveling with friends and family, I truly love being on my own and doing my own thing at my own pace, especially when it’s related to my writing. Spend SIX HOURS at the Museum of London? Sure, why not! How about walking the path from the Halls of Parliament, through St. James Park, past Brooks’s Club where my hero hangs out? Absolutely!

My first solo trip was in 2016 and I went clear across the Atlantic to London. Never let it be said that I do things in half measures! lol  

Since I hadn’t been outside the US prior to that trip, I planned some experiences ahead of time, one of which was a tour to Windsor Palace, Stonehenge, and Bath. Bath was the research part, and while Windsor was not originally on my list of places to see, it quickly turned into one of my favorite places. There is nothing like it in the US. Not gonna lie… Stonehenge was a Bucket List item for me and it did not disappoint. 

I was fascinated by Stonehenge. I could have easily spent all day there among the stones. The anthropologist in me was absolutely riveted by the sheer skill of the construction––those stones are not reinforced with anything, they’re just expertly stacked. The location is still an active archaeological site, so we were restricted to the raised path and couldn’t wander among the stones. 

Even though it was early March, it was one of those perfect spring days. From the blue, blue sky and the fluffy white clouds, to the equally fluffy sheep grazing on the other side of the fence. It was warm enough I didn’t need anything more than a light sweater when the breeze got a bit too chilly. It was quiet, the only sounds being the distant murmur of other visitors and the breeze blowing through the grass.

Someone asked me if I got a weird or creepy feeling being around the stones, and I have to say I didn’t. The only thing I felt was a sense of calm and peace. It gave me the sense of time slowing down, and all my stress faded away while I was there. Sadly, since I was part of an organized tour, my time there was cut short. I could have easily stayed much longer. 

I can see why people are so drawn to this place. They mystery surrounding it is what draws you in, but the sense of peace is what keeps you there. I can’t wait to go and spend more time among the stones. 




What’s better than one holiday romance? How about seven holiday romances!


The honor of your presence is requested by The Earl and Countess of Stapleton at their house party to celebrate Twelfth Night, the most enchanting night of the year.

Festivities include:
• A titillating masked ball
• Ice skating
• A romp in the local village
• A naughty treasure hunt
• Midnight kisses in the garden
• And the Twelfth Night Ball where holiday magic brings about seven perfect matches…

Once Upon A Twelfth Night features stories by Christina Alexandra, Clair Brett, and A.S. Fenichel, and is available at your favorite ebook retailer. Get your copy today!


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