Writer vs. Life

This week is the Romance Writer’s of America Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas.  I will not be there.
I was supposed to go.  I had my registration all set, my hotel room booked and my dress for Saturday night’s Rita & Golden Heart dinner bought, paid for and packed.
And then real life happened.
Tying up all May, I had this conversation with my Sister.
“Hey, Sister.  I have three weeks of vacation scheduled for July.  I was going to see you for Fave Nephie’s first birthday and then go to the conference.  Do you want me to stay all three weeks with you?”
“No, I think I’ll be okay.  Mom’s coming out soon after and she’ll help me out.”
“Okay.  Just let me know if you change your mind.
You see, not only does she have Fave Nephie running around like a whirling dervish, but she is pregnant again with Baby #2 who is due in early August.
It was turning out to be the perfect 3 week vacation.  A little family time, a little writing time.  Perfect!
Then two weeks later I get this text message:
“Would you be terribly upset if I asked you to cancel your conference and stay the entire time with me?”
How could I say no to that?  How could I say no to seeing THIS face?
Fave Nephie Turns One!
Needless to say, I cancelled my conference registration and put my Saturday dress away.  While I am sad to be missing out on all the events of the conference, I am having the time of my life getting to know this tiny little human with a full size personality!
Who knew that sloppy baby kisses would be more exciting than pitching to editors and agents?  Who would have guessed that watching this little man learn to walk would be so exciting?  Or that him getting to know and trust me was going to be the highlight of my summer?
Yes, he’s exhausting and seriously cutting into my writing time, but you know what?  I wouldn’t change it for the world.
There’s always next year’s conference, right?