
Author Christina Alexandra

911 Operator by Day, Historical Romance Writer by Night.
Critter keeper.
Travel & trivia junkie.
Historical & Everyday Foodie.

Welcome to the online home of Regency romance author Christina Alexandra. Here you will be able to keep up to date on all that is happening with getting the “Reluctant Lords” series published, public appearances, and other projects she is working on. Be sure to check back often to see what’s new, or visit me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. If you want to see some images of what inspires my writing, check out my Pinterest boards!

From the Blog
I’m With The Banned

Books that is! It feels kind of ridiculous that this should actually be an awareness campaign, but here we are. 🫤 I tend to leave politics out of my author life, but reading is an inherently political act, and with election season ramping up, it's important that we all stay educated on who is voted into your local school and library boards. Book bans don't start at the top, they...

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Author Christina Alexandra
Author Christina Alexandra2 hours ago
Met up with my Orange County Writers yesterday and put some plans into action.

I ended up working on paper since I think better when planning that way. But here’s a little teaser of what the next couple of months will be. With only this project to work on, this is a doable timeline for me in order to have a release day in early December.

I’m so excited to do this!

#ThisWritersLife #TuesdayTeaser #CoffeeShopWriter #WriterInTheWild #WriterOutAndAbout #RegencyChristmas #RegencyChristmas #RegencyRomance #ChristmasRomance #HistoricalRomance
Author Christina Alexandra
Author Christina Alexandra1 day ago
Happy Monday, Friends!

I’m putting what I learned at Saturday’s meeting to good use starting today.

For the past few months I’ve been toying with the idea of releasing a holiday short story or novella this year. But between the Day Job and school, it kept getting pushed to the back burner.

But school ends this week, and I made a timeline! If I really push myself, I could have this project done and released by early December. 😱

So it’s going to be head down and fingers on keyboard for the foreseeable future, even during the Girls Trip coming up next month (sorry girls!).

Thanks to Orange County Writers, Orange County Romance Writers, and Kathryn Le Veque, Author for the inspiration and accountability!

#ThisWritersLife #MondayMissive #MondayMotivation #Discipline #HolidayProject #HolidayRomance #RegencyRomance #RomanceWriter #WritingCommunity #WriterChallenge #JustKeepWriting
Author Christina Alexandra
Author Christina Alexandra3 days ago
Yay for Orange County Romance Writers for holding hybrid meetings!

I was supposed to be at the Celebration of Romance today, but with being so short staffed at the Day Job, I’m going virtual today.

Listening to the estimable Kathryn Le Veque, Author share her knowledge and wisdom on writing as a business.

I get so motivated during these meetings! I want to write ALL THE THINGS!! Then reality sets in between the Day Job and school I get so exhausted.

But I think I really do need to stick to a schedule. Even if it’s only 500 words, I have to get something done each day. That gives me something to work on Monday at the Orange County Writers write-in!

#ThisWritersLife #OCRomance #VirtualMeeting #WritingBusines #Networking #BusinessPlans
Author Christina Alexandra
Author Christina Alexandra4 days ago
I love it when my friends send me things like this! 🤣🤣

#ThisWritersLife #FridayFunny #TBRThursday
Author Christina Alexandra
Author Christina Alexandra2 weeks ago
Happy Friday Friends!

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a joke. And lucky me found one that is both literary 𝘢𝘯𝘥 Romance related!

Swipe to see it in 𝘢𝘭𝘭 its glory. 😆

#ThisWritersLife #FridayFunny #LiteraryJokes #Jokes #Brontesaurus #Rawr #HistoricalRomance #VictorianRomance #RegencyRomance #WritingCommunity #Romanc