Blogging Along


Writer vs. Life

This week is the Romance Writer's of America Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas.  I will not be there. I was supposed to go.  I had my registration all set, my hotel room booked and my dress for Saturday night's Rita & Golden Heart dinner bought, paid for and packed. And then real life happened. Tying up all May, I…

Is This Your Life?

I subscribe to a bunch of pages on my social media feed, many of them related to writing.  One of my favorites is K. M. Weiland's Helping Writers Become Authors.  Her Facebook posts are full of ways to help budding authors - like myself - improve our craft.  From getting started to tips on how to create realistic character arcs;…

Welcome Lyndi Lamont

This week I have the talented Lyndi Lamont sharing what she's reading this week. 1. What book and author are you reading this week and why? I'm reading The Collector of Dying Breaths by M. J. Rose. It's the latest in her Reincarnationist series, which I've followed since the start. The books are paranormal thrillers with some romantic subplots. 2. What…

Friday the 13th

Today is Friday June 13th. Yes, that's right. Friday. The. 13th. The only one for the year 2014.  The last time this happened was in 2011.  While some years will only have 1 Friday the 13th, others can have up to three, depending on the way the calendar falls. Officially, fear of Friday the 13th is called friggatriskaidekaphobia, a combination of the…

What Are You Reading Wednesday

About a month ago, someone posted a question on Twitter asking followers to list an author for whom they would drop everything and read their work.  I’ll admit, I was intrigued by that, yet could honestly not answer that question. Sure I could list the authors whose entire back-list I have (or am in the process of buying) and even…