Deadlines and This Writer's Life

It’s February!

For some people that means letting a large rodent decide whether we’ll have a late spring. For others, it’s all about Valentine’s Day and love. 

I’m a romance writer, which one do you think I’m focusing on? 

If you guessed NONE BECAUSE I’M ON DEADLINE you would be absolutely correct. 

That’s right, I am deep in writing mode for my November novella. Kisses and Winter Wishes will officially hit the shelves on November 11th. That means the completed and edited manuscript is due to the coordinator on May 31st. Which means I have to have this sucker written and self-edited by March 12 so I can get it to my editor on March 22nd. With just under 40 days and a goal of 5000 words a week, I have a lot of writing to do.

But you know what? It feels so good to get words back on the page. Tonight alone I managed 300 words in less than 20 minutes. It may not be 10k a Day speed, but between lulls at the Day Job and the support of my writing friend in the Heart Breathings Writing Community, it should be no problem.

Not only that, but it’ll be off to the editor in time for me to binge watch season 2 or Bridgerton!

So it’s time to hold myself accountable for my writing. I’ll be taking a page out of Caraway Carter’s book (pun definitely intended) and giving you guys a taste of what my daily writing life is like. With an upcoming deadline, this is the perfect time to do so.

You can join me on the daily This Writer’s Life updates over on facebook.

I hope to see you there!


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