Jex Lane

This week on Sunday Speed Dates I have Jex Lane joining me. 
Geek. Gamer. Ambivert. Bookworm. Author. I imageenjoy writing about hidden worlds full of vampire hunters, epic battles, steamy sex, and, of course, beautiful monsters. Join me on facebook and say hi! I don’t bite…I let my vampires do that for me.
Thanks for joining me! I’m just going to jump in here and start asking you some questions.

First, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Sure! For years, I had a kickass job working for
a video game company but I wanted to tell my own stories. I had been saving up for a down payment for a house and instead decided to use the money to quit my job and write full time.It didn’t work out how I’d hoped. I floundered for a years until my gallbladder attacked me. The pain was terrible. Hours after walking into the ER, the pesky organ was removed. I was told recovery would only be a week. It wasn’t. It was a month and during that drugged-up ordeal I had dreams of a vampire named Matthew.
When I was finally able to sit up without pain I started writing and haven’t stopped since.
Oh! And I’m a gamer, pretty darn geeky, and I love wine.
That is some story. I mean, I’m sorry your recovery was so long, but a drug-induced dream spawning a book series is just awesome.  

Tell us a little about your latest project.

imageSire: Beautiful Monsters Vol. II has just been released. I’m a little nervous because Captive was so successful, and now I have to follow that up. So far, the reviews have been mostly positive.
That’s excellent news! 

Married, single, or waiting for Mr. or Mrs. Right?

I’ve found the great love of my life.

What was the last thing (besides a book) that you bought online?

Vampire fangs. Not even joking. It’s for a Halloween costume.
I love this time of year! You can say things like this and nobody even blinks. :)

Tell us your latest non-writing news.

I just got my Witch Mercy skin in Overwatch.

Name one entity or group that you feel supported you outside of family members. How did you discover them.

Oh gosh. That has to be my friends. I’m slow to make close friends but when I do, I keep them for years. They keep me grounded. Any time I start bragging a little, they kick my ego out of the room and rail on the content of my books. They keep me grounded but they also make sure I come up for air. I’m a workaholic and sometimes I forget to look up from my computer. They force me to.
But the second most valuable group I’m part of right now is a Facebook one called For Love or Money. It’s full of successful self-publishers sharing their experiences. An author friend of mine stuck me in the group a few months before Captive was released.
Never underestimate the power of friends to keep us sane in this crazy, creative life. That Facebook group sounds like a gem for those who are self-publishing.

Desk: messy or organized?

So. Much. Mess.
LOL! Mess means creativity at work. ;)

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Once I’ve released a book into the world, it belongs to the reader. Each person is going to walk away with something different and any messages I’ve included are no longer important, because it’s not my experience.
I never thought of it that way. I guess everyone’s experiencea are different, I would imagine reading a book is the same.

Can you tell us about your challenges in getting your first book published?

Doing the bulk of the work myself. When an imageauthor makes a choice to self-publish, the writer hat is taken off and the business one takes its place. I’ve put countless hours into studying my market, researching what other writers are doing, and figuring out how to put out a quality product. It’s tiring, but rewarding.
It’s a tough switch, going from creative to business. I give you credit for it, I’m not sure I could pull it off! 

What real-life inspirations did you draw from for the world building within your book?

Most of my world building happens during dreaming though I couldn’t pin any one event or person as inspiration for it.
You’re lucky to even remember it! I can’t remember anything I dream about upon waking. 

What is in your Hero’s pocket?

Matthew has nothing in his pocket anymore. He keeps losing the things that are important to him.
Oh, that’s so sad!

Okay, now for a little Random Silliness. Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours.

I fidget. A lot. I have like 20 fidget toys around my desk, including a coloring book for grown-ups, kinetic sand, and silly putty.

What was your best travel experience? Worst?

Best: San Francisco. I loved everything about that city. I’d love to own a home there (hahaha! I’d better get selling).
Worst: That’s too personal. You’ll have to get me drunk to find out.
San Francisco is such a great city. So quirky and full of life! 

Coffee, hot or iced? Tea, hot or iced?

Tea. Either way.

What advice would you give to pre-published writers?

Study your market and what other authors are doing. And breathe.
This is so important. I think writers get so caught up in writing they forget this fact, and it’s so important to help make a book successful.

Can you give us a sneak peek into your next book?

Hmm. Okay. I’ll give you the opening line so long as everyone understands it’s subject to change. We good? Here you go:

Fifth Century BCE. Greece.

Oh wow, wasn’t that exciting?
LOL. It’s so intriguing!  

Where can we find out more about you and what you write?

imageI’m most active on FacebookWebsite, and Twitter.
Wonderful! I can’t wait to see you around online. Thanks again for stopping by!


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