Obligatory Valentine's Post

I love Love. ❤️

It’s no wonder that I chose Romance as my genre of choice. It took me a long time and many failed projects to find my passion with writing. 

Yesterday was February 14th, Valentine’s Day. A day set aside to shower our loved ones with flowers and gifts and chocolates. But it always strikes me as fundamentally commercial, a day organized by card and chocolate manufacturers to guilt people into spending money on trivial items to profess their love.

But yesterday as I was browsing facebook, twitter, and instagram I started to notice something. I saw images and posts from men and women about not what their loved ones bought for them, but what their loved ones did for them. The little things that meant they cared and brought a smile to their face, or tears to their eyes, more often than not, it was both at the same time. 

There was the one post from someone recently widowed who was sad that this was her first Valentine’s Day without her spouse. Where a Valentine from her husband would always greet her on Valentine’s morning, she was resigned not that have that again. Only to be surprised with a homemade Valentine from one of her children. No one can replace a beloved spouse, but a friend or relative can make the void a little less vast. 

Then there was the video of a writer in her home office getting ready to write and shoot some videos. On her desk was a perfect cup of coffee and breakfast made by her partner at the start of what was going to be a busy day of work. 

It’s not about the Grand Gesture (that’s another issue!), but the little mundane issues that show someone that they care for you. That you matter and are important to them. You don’t have to be in each other’s pockets all the time to know Love, you just have to experience it in it’s boring, everyday-ness. It’s someone searching out the biggest, sweetest grapes of the bunch to give their partner, a mother kissing a scraped knee to take the hurt away, or cancelling plans at the drop of a hat when a friend needs help.

Life is hard. Love makes it better. Spread it around like confetti. 💗

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