Weekend Productivity Report

Hello, Friends!
I was lucky enough to spend this past weekend at the OCCRWA Birthday Bash. Even though the Bash is a local event, it’s always nice being able to get away from home and work for a bit. I find the more I work at the Day Job, the more my creativity drains away and the more essential it is that I spend time with my OCC family. Between the actual Bash, the write-ins, and the pajama parties, it was wonderful to be around so many friends who share my passion for writing and to actually see each other in person! It is essential to recharge my writer batteries by absorbing the creative energy of my Writer Tribe.
We had Radish do a remote presentation on their serial fiction platform. It is a new and exciting way to read fiction, and my Touchstone series would be a PERFECT fit for them. I guess it’s time to move that project off the back burner and put it on my “things to do” list. Somewhere on there… I have a lot going on lately!
Our keynote speaker Sherry Thomas was amazing. So much of what she said resonated with me. It’s seems to be the theme for my writing journey this year: to hear the things I need to hear at the time I need to hear them. I did behave myself and didn’t fangirl too hard. It’s tough–so tough–not to turn into a blubbering fool in front of a favorite author! lol
And it wouldn’t be a writing weekend without a late night writing sessions with rommates Christine Ashworth, Louisa Bacio, and Sabrina Sol, though we were missing Nikki Prince. 😞 I have temporarily set aside The Seduction of the Duke for the months of October and November due to NaNoWriMo and the Secret Project I’m working on (that I still need to tell you about!).
I did manage to get almost 1000 words down, and with some prompting from Christine, I managed to get some new ideas flowing on the project that will help me with the dreaded middle, as well as create a new opening sequence.
Overall it was a productive few days and I can’t wait to put everything I learned into my production schedule and to finally be able to tell you what I’ve been up to lately.

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