Sunday Snippet #4

Where all hope is lost…

If you have not read the previous installments, I recommend doing so first.  You can find them here:

Where something unexpected happens…
Where things get bad…
Where things go from bad to worse…

Previously on Sunday Snippets:
Having been abducted and beaten, Delaney finds herself pinned against the wall of the alley, arms restrained above her and the ruffian’s hand closing in around her throat.

“Think I’ll take me cut now,” he leered, licking his lips and applying just enough pressure to make it difficult – more difficult – for her to draw breath.
Delaney shut her eyes with the childish belief that if she didn’t see it with her own eyes, then it wasn’t happening to her; that it was someone else in the alley with this man.
A tug on the neckline of her gown and the sound of cloth tearing jolted her back to reality as her bodice was torn in two.  His heavy body pinned against hers, his hot breath panting on the exposed skin of her breasts, the sour smell of stale alcohol – it was too much, too familiar.
“No,” she whispered over and over, clawing desperately at his hands.  One hand left her throat and she could feel him fumbling with his own clothing.  Delaney knew what would happen here in this deserted alley, she knew what would come next.
Only it didn’t.
One moment she was against the wall, pinned in place by this brute of a man; the next moment she was lying in a heap on the ground, coughing and gasping for breath.


My apologies for any continuity errors in the past week or so as I’ve had to do some creative editing in order to stay within the eight sentence rules.  Think of this as the “Readers Digest” version!

Readers, I have to tell you that as this scene gets more and more involved, it is becoming much more difficult to write.  It is not a happy scene. In fact it’s rather traumatic and will touch some nerves and emotions.  It’s hard, as an author, knowing I have to expose my characters’ trauma like this,  But as difficult as it is to show the trauma they are going through, I know it is necessary for them to learn and grow and heal.

Thanks for joining my on this difficult week.  I promise, things start to look up after this!  I did have some trouble with this bit, so of something doesn’t work or make sense, please let me know. As always, comments are more than welcome.

See you next week!

For more Sunday Snippets by some other great writers, be sure to visit Weekend Writing Warriors.


To find out what happens next, click here.


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