Sunday Snippet #47

Where his wife holds his attention…

If you have not read the previous Sunday Snippets, I recommend doing so first. You can find them here.
Previously on Sunday Snippets: Graeme and Delaney attend the theatre with his friends (unbeknownst to them) and Delaney is saved from a public spectacle with the aid from her new friend Miss Prudence Hewlett.


Graeme couldn’t take his eyes off his wife.
Delaney sat at the front of the box, leaning forward with her gaze fixed on the stage. Her hair had been tamed into an elegant twist at the back of her head that left a thick coil to hang down and rest on her shoulder. The fichu added to her gown did wonders to preserve her modesty, though he couldn’t help but wish to see the creamy skin of her shoulders once more.
He wanted to press his lips to those shoulders.
She turned and glanced back to where he stood leaning against the back wall of the box. He saw her cheeks flush, almost as if she could divine his thoughts, and a slight smile played across her lips.
He couldn’t take his eyes off her lips.
The applause of the other guests signaled the end of the performance, jolting him back to the present. She leaned in close and laughed at something Miss Hewlett said to her, their heads bent together, the other woman’s auburn curls were a direct contrast to his wife’s deep golden locks.


Uh-oh, it looks like Graeme has been bitten by the lust-bug! Whatever differences they had at the beginning of the evening appear to have been forgotten in the wake of all that has transpired on this outing. Which is a good thing – the last thing this couple needs in their life is more drama!

I was able to go to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles and take a look at part of a private collection that was on display. What I love about the museum is that you can get up close and personal with the clothing – just don’t touch! And as long as you don’t use flash, you are free to take as many pictures as you want. I spent the majority of the week cataloguing my pictures from two trips there and making sure the descriptions are correct with each photo. You can check them out on my Pinterest Board.

It’s been a busy week for me, things are finally settling down after the past two weeks and I feel like things returning to normal. But it is summer and that never lasts long. I will be missing out on RWA National again this year, but I promised Fave Niece I would be there for her first birthday, and so I shall!  Planning to go see Dearest Sister and celebrate birthdays with Fave Niece and Fave Nephie always brightens my day. :)
As always, comments are welcome and appreciated. I’m still trying to catch up on the last two weeks worth of comments, so if I haven’t responded to you, I will…I promise! For more wonderful snippets by wonderful writers, be sure to stop by Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday.
Happy reading and I’ll see you next week!


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