Sunday Snippet #48

Where he finally gives in…

Previously on Sunday Snippets: Graeme is distracted by his wife sitting in front of him at the theatre.


The scraping of chairs heralded the end of the evening as everyone rose from their seats. Ever the gentleman, Stryker acted as escort, leading Miss Hewlett from the box.
From his place at the rear of the box Graeme donned his greatcoat, nodding his thanks as he accepted Delaney’s cloak from a footman.
As she was seated closest to the stage, she was the last to filter out. Graeme awaited at the end of the row, delighting in the feel of her small hand on his arm, even through all the layers of clothing.
As they approached the exit of the box, Graeme stopped, reached past her with his free hand and shut the door leading to the corridor. She turned to face him, brow furrowed and mouth open, as if she were going to question his actions.
He didn’t give her the chance.
Pulling her into his arms, he covered her mouth with his and she stiffened at the contact. As he slid his arms beneath her cloak and around her waist, she melted into his embrace.


Oh! It was only a matter of time before the evening and the tension got to him. Can’t say I’m surprised, really. :) She’s so different from him and he realises it, and is learning to embrace all the opposites of what he is. This is a man truly smitten by his wife. Is it any wonder he took advantage of a little privacy?
Well, after some discussion and support from my critique partners, it seems I have a new goal and a new set of deadlines. While I’m still going to submit to this series to agents and editors, my new goal is the Romance Readers of America Golden Heart. In Romance Land, it’s a competition for unpublished authors (like me!) to put our work out there and be judged by published authors. Hopefully it will lead to a contract, but you never know.
So my manuscript will be done by August (I swear I’m going to stop starting over!), off to my critique partners by mid-month, and perfected by September’s Pitch Madness. If I get no takers, it’ll go for some final polishing before the deadline for the Golden Heart. At this point, I can’t tell if I’m crazy, determined or a glutton for punishment, all I know is that  I am excited! Besides, what have I got to lose?
As always, comments are welcome and appreciated. For more great snippets by great writers, visit the WeWriWa blog and Snippet Sunday facebook page.
Happy writing and I’ll see you next week!


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