Sunday Snippet #5

Where someone comes to her aid…

If you have not read the previous installments, I recommend doing so first.  You can find them here:

Where something unexpected happens…
Where things get bad…
Where things go from bad to worse…
Where all hope is lost…

Previously on Sunday Snippets:

Delaney, beaten and unable to fight back against her attacker suddenly finds herself free of his grasp.  Coughing and gasping, she lies in a heap on the floor of the alley.


There was the sickening thud of fists against flesh and the scuffle of boots on cobblestones as someone let out an angry curse.  At the sound of boots running down the alley, Delaney raised her head in time to see her attacker disappear around the corner pursued by a man in a black greatcoat.  The man in black slowed as he approached the end of the alley, looking between her and the where the ruffian had run to as if undecided as to what to do next.  Abruptly, he turned and walked back towards her, the greatcoat billowing out behind him.
Delaney struggled to rise, desperate to get away from the alley, her attacker and even this would-be rescuer coming towards her.  To her dismay, she could barely rise to her hands and knees before collapsing back down in a heap, pain shooting through her ribs.
“Don’t,” he said softly as he crouched by her side.  She flinched as he gently laid his hand on her shoulder, preventing her from rising.  “Stay down and catch your breath.”


Alright, everybody take a deep breath and let it out…
Delaney is out of immediate danger!  That was a rough few weeks there, dishing it out little by little, with each week getting progressively worse.  If it’s rough on me as a writer, I can’t imagine what it’s been like for you as a reader, not knowing what’s going to happen next!  Rest assured, I won’t torture you with anything like that…at least for a while.  :)
This week’s snippet is brought to you courtesy of a scheduled post!  By the time you read this, I will be enjoying a much needed mini vacation/writing retreat at Lake Sutherland in the beautiful Pacific Northwest (pictures to follow!).  I’ll be busy at work trying to finish this manuscript in time for my local chapter’s Book In A Year.  I promise to reply to your comments, it just may take me a day or two until I get to a place with internet access!
For more Sunday Snippets by some great Weekend Writing Warriors, click here.
See you all next week!


To find out what happens next, click here.


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