Sunday Snippet #50

Where he goes after his wife…

Previously on Sunday Snippets: Just as things are getting heated between them, Graeme comes to his senses and pushes Delaney away, causing her to flee the theatre box and his company.


With a growl, Graeme banged his fist against the wall and slammed the door open. Not a single footman roamed the now empty corridor as he headed towards the rear stairs, determined to put as much distance between them as possible.
He hadn’t gone more than three steps when he let out another growl, pivoted on his heel, and stormed off towards the grand staircase. No matter his frustration with himself, he could not leave her alone in a public theatre, especially after the spectacle he was sure they created.
What was she doing to him?
He ran a hand through his impeccably styled hair and gave a rueful chuckle: married less than a month and already she was making him lose control. Gossip in the ton said nothing but ice water flowed through his veins – ice water be damned, tonight it was pure, hot blood and it was all due to her.
Stopping at the top of the stairs, he scanned the foyer below. Only a few people lingered near the entry, presumably awaiting carriages, but Delaney was not among them.
With his greatcoat billowing out behind him, he made his way down the stairs, determined to find his wife and take her home.


There is nothing remotely cold or icy about Graeme and I think Delaney is coming to see that about him.
Since this is a PG website and blog, I won’t be posting the steamy bits, or what happens when they get home. So you tell me, dear readers: what part of the story would you like to see next? The opening is off limits, as are the steamy bits and black moment (must keep some surprises, you know!) but everything else is fair game. Leave a comment here, on facebook or Twitter and I will choose from the majority. I leave it in your very capable hands.
As always, comments and questions are more than welcome. For more great snippets by great writers, visit WeWriWa and Snippet Sunday!
Happy reading and I’ll see you next week!


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