Sunday Snippet #60

Where he scolds his wife…

If you have not read the previous Sunday Snippets, I recommend doing so first. You can find them here.
Previously on Sunday Snippets: After breaking the news to his aunt that she is now Dowager Duchess of Claremont, Graeme harshly scolds his wife in the privacy of his chamber.


“How could she have taken me into dislike if she hasn’t even met me?”
His wife’s indignant tone grated on his already fraught nerves and Graeme spun around and stalked back towards her. Hurriedly, she backed away from him until, bumping into the edge of the bed, she sat down upon it.
“She did not need to meet you, she saw you traipsing about wearing nothing but this.” He fingered the fine woollen blanket still wrapped about her shoulders. “For God’s sake, Delaney, your feet are bare up to your ankles! Do you not ever think before doing something so rash?”
Turning, he entered his dressing room where he began pulling waistcoats and cravats off the shelves, looking for something suitably dour in which to make an appearance in front of his aunt.


Well there’s a challenge if I ever heard one! I think Delaney is just feisty enough to go toe-to-toe with Graeme. The real question is who will win?
It has been a wonderful week full of good news, and I am going to be a horrible person and not say anything else about it! If you follow me on Facebook, you’ll already know what has happened. If not, stay tuned for Tuesday when I’ll be able to share my good news blog post. :)
As always, comments questions and feedback are more than welcome. For more great snippets by great writers, be sure to stop by the WeWriWa blog and Snippet Sunday Facebook page.
Happy reading and I’ll see you next week!


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