

The Rogue Not Taken

What I'm reading this week This week I am reading Sarah MacLean's newest, The Rogue Not Taken. It is book #1 in her new Scandal and Scoundrel series.  Rating Heat Level: 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Loveability: 💗💗💗 Heartbreakability: 💔💔💔 Why I chose this book I chose this particular book since it is the first in the new series. Coincidentally the next title in the series comes out…

Fun Fact Friday - Yuletide

The Yule Log During the Georgian era (when the King's George I-IV reigned over England, 1740-1830) Christmas began to be more lavishly celebrated in England.  Beginning on St. Nicholas Day (December 6), the Christmas or Yultide would last through Twelfth Night on January 6. Christmas Eve was the day when most household decorating took place - it was actually considered…