The Scoundrel & I

What I’m reading this week

This week I am reading Katharine Ashe’s newest novella, The Scoundrel & I

The Rating

Heat Level:🔥🔥🔥🔥
Likeability: 💗💗💗
Heartbreakability: 💔💔💔

Why did I choose this particular book?

Katharine Ashe is on my auto-buy list. I usually pre-order all her books, but – sneaky-sneaky – this one came took me unawares. 

About the book….don’t worry, there are NO spoilers!

A novella set in the world of the Falcon Club series, The Scoundrel & I follows the story of Gabrielle “Elle” Flood and Captain Anthony Masinter. When Anthony inadvertently creates Big Trouble for Elle, he does whatever it takes to try to make it right for her.

What am I enjoying about it so far?

When discussing novellas with other readers, one sentiment that keeps coming up is how they feel the shorter length doesn’t do justice to the characters and stories being told. I am happy to report that this is not the case with The Scoundrel & I, nor any other novellas Katharine Ashe writes. The characters are well thought out and have plenty of depth and emotion, and the situations are believable, The Scoundrel & I incorporates the overall tone and character of the Falcon Club series, while remaining a stand-alone story with unique and individual characters. I found myself alternating between laughing, crying, and cheering with Anthony and Elle throughout the novella. There is an art to novella writing and Katharine Ashe makes it look so easy. She is a true master of the craft of writing short. :)

Is this an author I’ve read before?

Oh, yes. From the first title I read of hers, I’ve been hooked on the books of Katharine Ashe. It took only one book for her to be on my auto-buy list.

What makes me keep coming back for more?

Ms Ashe has a unique voice and intriguing way of telling a story that only she can pull off. Written in a way that is fresh and modern, she always manages to stay true to the time period in character behavior, dialogue, and society, even when touching on what some would consider modern issues.

What I liked about this book

It’s a mix of things, really. The well thought out stories; the wit of the characters; how each has their own unique voice. I’ve read some long running series where the characters all start to sound similar after a while, but never in the books of Katharine Ashe. There is also a heavy dose of adventure and intrigue in each of the books that draws me in and keeps me up at night dying to find out what happens next?
And let’s be honest here, I’m here for the romance. These books are do not disappoint! :) I love the way the characters are drawn to and try to resist each other until the inevitable happens. It makes it much more satisfying for when they do end up in bed together.

Would I read this author again?

Of course! I can’t wait for the next book in the Falcon Club series to come out. The Earl looks like it will be a fantastic read. And isn’t the cover delicious?! October 25th can’t get here soon enough. Look for this review coming up soon after it’s release,

Would I recommend this book and author to others?

Oh, yes. If you’re looking for a quick read with believable characters and situations, and lots of emotion, this is the novella for you. As an added bonus, you also get the complete correspondence between Lady Justice and Peregrine in one spot. :)

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