The Seducer

What I’m reading this week 

This week i’m making my way through Madeline Hunter’s Regency novel, The Seducer.


Heat Level: 🔥🔥🔥
Likeability: 💗💗💗
Heartbreakability: 💔💔💔

Why I chose this book

I’m a late comer to Madeline Hunter‘s books, but she is quickly climbing the list of authors I adore. I devoured her Fairbourne Quartet in relatively short time, and when I saw this book on sale last week, I snatched it up. I’m always willing to add another book to my TBR.
And another…and another…and another… :)

About the book….don’t worry, there are NO spoilers!

Oh, goodness, this is tough. It’s a guardian/ward story with a twist. There’s history, mystery, intrigue and multiple characters with shady pasts that all come to a head in a wonderfully woven story. Normally I’m not a fan of multiple story-lines in a romance. To me, they take away the angst and urgency between the couple. But not here. The multiple story-lines in the Seducer are so masterfully woven, and have such a profound effect on the main characters, that you
Normally I’m not a fan of multiple story-lines in a romance. To me, they take away the angst and urgency between the couple. But not here. The multiple story-lines in The Seducer are so masterfully woven together, and have such a profound effect on the main characters, that you need to know all about them. They swirl about each other, getting closer and closer until finally, all becomes clear at the end.

What am I enjoying about it so far?

Umm…everything! The slow seduction of Daniel and Diane; the chemistry and attraction simmering just under the surface. The carefully crafted intrigue that begins from page one. The secondary characters are beautifully crafted and you can tell that each have their own stories and histories to tell. I’m glad many of them get their own stories later in the Seducer Series, as I am very curious about them.

Is this an author I’ve read before?

I’m one of those people who buys a large number of e-books. Some I purchased because the blurb sounded interesting, others because they were free or on sale. I’ve hoarded them up until my nook now has well over 500 titles in its library. I am a little ashamed to admit I have not read all of them (yet I still continue to buy new books!) In my e-library I have several books by Ms. Hunter, and while I read and enjoyed them, I never really got into them. Until I read the first book in the Fairbourne Quartet. After that, I had to read them all – and I finished them in record time. When I saw The Seducer on sale, I snatched it up and finished it within the day. I just couldn’t put it down.

What makes me keep coming back for more?

The books of Madeline Hunter are subtle. There’s an inherent chemistry between the Hero and Heroine that draws you in. She makes you believe these people are real, have real lives and issues and pasts. We may not know everything about them during the story, but that is part of the charm and what keeps me coming back for more.

What do I like about their work?

The writing style is clean, the passion true to the characters, both in their relationships and their passion for what else they do outside of the relationship. These characters become real and you believe they could have lived during the time the book takes place.

Would I read this author again?

Absolutely. I can’t wait to start the next book in the Seducer Series. One good thing about discovering a new author with a large backlist–I don’t have to wait for release dates.
It’s my treat for making my writing goals this week. :)

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