Bûche de Noël
Tiramisu Yule Log This is my favorite recipe for Bûche de Noël. It is a little tricky to master the rolling process, but it is the best recipe I have come across. I mean, seriously, it takes the traditional bûche and marries it with tiramisu. Is there a better combination for the two desserts? While it calls for covering the bûche…
Fun Fact Friday - Yuletide
The Yule Log During the Georgian era (when the King's George I-IV reigned over England, 1740-1830) Christmas began to be more lavishly celebrated in England. Beginning on St. Nicholas Day (December 6), the Christmas or Yultide would last through Twelfth Night on January 6. Christmas Eve was the day when most household decorating took place - it was actually considered…
Sunday Snippet #18
Where he makes someone else feel at ease... If you have not read the previous week's Sunday Snippet, I recommend doing so first. You can find them here. Previously on Sunday Snippets: Graeme, given an idea by his friend Stryker, has formulated a plan and is in the process of setting it into motion, but must first suffer the ministrations…
Sunday Snippet #17
Where he comes home with a plan... If you have not read the previous Sunday Snippets, I recommend doing so first. You can find them here. Previously on Sunday Snippets: Graeme received some advice from his friend on how to woo his new wife. ***** Graeme immediately formed and plan and set it into action, sending off several missives from…
Sunday Snippet #16
Where his friend leaves him at their club... If you have not read the previous Sunday Snippets, I recommend doing so first. You can find them here. Previously on Sunday Snippets: Graeme's friend Stryker is telling him how to show his wife he apologizes, while making her the center of attention. ***** "So I'm an acquisition, now?" Graeme said raising…