This Writer’s Life


What are YOU reading this summer?

Last Monday was Memorial Day - the day to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country. Here in the US Memorial Day is also referred to as the unofficial start of the Summer Season, even though the first official day of the summer isn't until June, 21. Begin countdown...NOW! Coworkers, friends and my colleagues in…

Passing the Baton...

Thanks to everyone who stopped by this week to check out my writing process.  I am now passing the baton to two fantastic ladies, Libby Waterford and Alina K. Field! ***** LIBBY WATERFORD You can read all about LIBBY's writing process on her blog here. About the Author Libby Waterford writes California-set steamy contemporary romances. She lives in Los Angeles with her…

My Writing Process Blog Hop

This week I’m participating in a Romance Writers Blog Hop.  Not only do you get to know a little about me and my writing process, but I get to introduce you to fellow romance authors and learn their individual writing styles and processes. This Blog Hop was passed on to me by Carol Malone.  Carol Malone has successfully combined her…

Getting Organized

I am not an organized person.  Anybody who knows me knows this.  My family is forever lamenting my lack of organization. "How can you find anything?" they repeatedly ask me.  "I have a system", I reply. However, now, that I am pursuing writing as more than just a hobby - okay, I'm chasing it down aggressively with manuscript in hand…

Mother's Day

This Sunday is Mother's Day, a day for us to sit back and reflect on what terrors we were as children and then call our own mothers and apologize profusely for our behavior back then. :) Some believe the origins of Mother’s Day lie with Mothering Sunday, a tradition from the 16th century where individuals would return to their “mother…