Blogging Along


Frost Fair

Hello, Friends! It's been another hot minute since I've blogged here. I know I keep saying I'll do it more often, but then Writing and the Day Job and Life all conspire to prevent me from doing so. Sadly, Worth has been delayed due to a combination of several factors, but I am still plugging away at it. I've also been…

True Story

So, let me tell you a story... I left the house on Friday and noticed a package sitting on my front doorstep. This really isn’t that shocking since I do a LOT of shopping online. However, this package was a little...strange. It was a rather battered box, not so much taped shut, as held together with tape. It had an…

A Few Quick Updates

It’s been a quite a while since I’ve shared any updates with you. I have so much to share! Don’t worry, since I’m on a pretty tight deadline, I'll make it quick.  First, if you haven’t noticed, my website has gotten quite the makeover. No more western motif pink and brown (what was I thinking?), it is now elegant, clean,…

A Not So Common Project

Hello Friends! A couple of times now I've hinted at a new Secret Project. Well, today it is no longer a secret. A few months ago I did a thing. I joined a collaborative group indie publishing project called the Common Elements Romance Project. You guys...I am so excited about this I can hardly contain myself! The brainchild of fellow Regency…

Weekend Productivity Report

Hello, Friends! I was lucky enough to spend this past weekend at the OCCRWA Birthday Bash. Even though the Bash is a local event, it’s always nice being able to get away from home and work for a bit. I find the more I work at the Day Job, the more my creativity drains away and the more essential it…