This Writer’s Life

What if...?

My Day Job is stressful.  I listen to some truly horrible calls.  But, the nature of the job dictates that I deal with facts.  Remember that 1960's show "Dragnet"?  Friday was always telling people, "Just the facts." Sometimes I get callers who want to play the "What If" game with me.  They ask "what if this happens?" over and over…


My dad was a Marine and for many years growing up he was a Reserve Officer.  Whenever he'd help my sister and I with projects at school or even at home, he'd always tell us to K.I.S.S. - Marine speak for Keep It Simple Stupid.  Or in the case of impressionable young ladies, Keep It Simple Silly. Either way, the…

Brainstorming and Good News

Like I mentioned last week, I've been in a bit of a story funk lately.  While I am confident my story is good and my motivation to continue telling it is still there, I've been stuck in a rut.  There were - are - some rather big plot holes and I just couldn't figure out how to fill - or…

Arizona's London Bridge

Today's Fun Fact comes to you from the warm and sunny state of Arizona where I am attending the Desert Dreams Writers' Conference. In honor of my stay here, and since I write English historical romance, I am giving you an Arizona fun fact with ties to English history. Did you know the original London Bridge is now in Lake…

Doldrums and Desert Dreams

I've been in a bit of the doldrums lately. After getting feedback from some contests I've entered, I realized I had a long way to go with my story.  Since then I've spent some time planning and researching, jotting down notes and dialogue, but somehow the last two months or so have seen very little in the way of productive word…